Honan Chapel, University College, Cork, Ireland (1916)
Rita Ferrone, a team member here at TeamRCIA, has taken on the responsibility of editing the Yale ISM Review, published by Yale Institute of Sacred Music. (Yale is where Rita did her graduate studies). In the inagural issue, she included a reflection on the mosaic floor of the Honan Chapel in Cork, Ireland.
The mosaic depicts the Canticle of Daniel and the story of the three young men who survived the fiery furnace. Rita says of the story:
Christians have read the story of the three young men as a type or figure of the resurrection, lending an additional layer of theological significance to the song as an expression of eschatological hope. The passage from Daniel describing their trial by fire was included in the Roman Catholic lectionary for the Easter Vigil (from 1570 to 1951) as part of the catechumens’ final catechesis before baptism.
As we move into Lent, RCIA teams might spend some time reflecting on how the story of the men in the fiery furnace could be a preparation for baptism.
Click here to read Rita’s entire reflection and to peruse the rest of the excellent issue.