A Jewish screenwriter’s tips for RCIA catechesis

3 thoughts on “A Jewish screenwriter’s tips for RCIA catechesis”

  1. Starting with yesterday’s Gospel of the 2 sons asked to work in the vineyard, where one says no then yes and the other says yes but does not, We led the group in a story of change our family experienced about 4 years ago. We were “forced” to place our son before his 16th birthday in a wilderness program. (Jesus did his own “wilderness program” as well) While we expected him to be transformed by this, my wife and I also experienced a dramatic change as well. The program included a weekend retreat for parents where the topic really was call “the Change”. The material presented over 2 days in the middle of a Utah winter seemed not only valuable for us at the time but also very enlightening for this period of inquiry where we are asking these candidates to really explore their thoughts and feelings towards all those they come in contact with. Are people human beings as they are or just objects of frustration in a self centered world?

  2. These tips are fantastic… thanks for sharing them! I’ve always said that the best way to understand and proclaim the scriptures is to see it as a storyteller. All good film makers, Mr. Wilder included, will tell you that they are primarily “storytellers.” I think catechists sometimes forget that they too are primarily storytellers. All our scripture, all our traditions, all our doctrine and faith experiences come with a story, and sharing that story with catechumens and candidates gives us the opportunity to be part of that story. Thanks so much for this useful advice!

  3. Great post Nick! I especially love #4-know where you’re going. I think that’s a big problem with most presenters. They don’t go in with what they want the class to know or the change they want to effect. Very important for influencing them. Interesting idea about the story of change behind a doctrine.

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