Pope Francis wants to know, does your RCIA team smell like sheep?

2 thoughts on “Pope Francis wants to know, does your RCIA team smell like sheep?”

  1. I sincerely LOVE Team RCIA :-)! Your resources/insight from other TEAMS has been and is empowering, encouraging, & a blessing. May those selected by their pastor to care for adults in all RCIA programs continue to hear & feel the call from God.

    In my opinion, our students are like newborn baby” that God has entrusted us to care for. We are to show, share, & teach them FAITH as shown in God’s word/catechism, & how to live in the world as new /renewed beings in the Body of Christ. As this “newborn baby” grows into a child, we should be quick to listen to them. To share our experience of how we endured thru problems in life (& how people in the bible handled their trials and tribulations. What was acceptable in God’s eye that led to a blessing, & the consequences of not obeying His word). It give us continued expectations that He is with us wherever we go. We are to give our problems to God. He carries us when we are weak. Hope doesn’t disappoint. Lastly, to just simply LOVE the students , because love is the greatest spiritual emotion & action we can share with one another.

    Continue the excellent work. Peace be with you always O:-) ! From, Janet Mazes-Martin, a disciple & woman of God, St. Lawrence of Brindisi, L.A., CA, Archdiocese of L.A.

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