The Roman Catholic Church in the US has a long history of catechetical instruction focused on teaching doctrine. However, two key documents of the church, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and the General Directory for Catechesis call for a process of formation that leads to conversion and participation in the Paschal Mystery through catechesis rooted in Scripture, liturgy, participation in the life of the community and apostolic activity. Many lay ministers who do catechesis and initiation ministry grapple with the call of the documents to facilitate a conversion process that leads to discipleship. What if parishes used the RCIA as the norm for all catechesis as called for in the church’s documents?
Some of you may know that I am currently a candidate for a doctor of ministry degree from San Francisco Theological Seminary, one of the Graduate Theological Union (Berkeley) consortium schools. For my dissertation project, I have chosen as my focus paragraph 75 in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults in dialog with the General and National Directories for Catechesis.
As part of my work, I am planning to write a book for bishops, pastors, and pastoral leaders that will facilitate reflection on and effective response to the question above. I would like to gather some anecdotal material to give flesh and life to the work. Therefore, I am begging you for STORIES! I would ask that all the material is anonymous with no identifying elements, but is expressive of the journey of conversion in the discipleship articulated in paragraph 75 in particular and in the full rite in general.
What is a significant experience that made the RCIA “work” or “effective” or “come to life” for the catechumen or candidate on the journey, for you, or for your faith community?
I would be so very grateful for your help. Just take a few moments to remember, to celebrate and then to share the wisdom and wonder of the RCIA as you know it from your journey with a particular catechumen or candidate. Then please send your story to me at
Thank you very much for all you do to support catechumenate ministry.
Hi everyone. We didn’t get Sister Miriam’s schedule for the upcoming months before we sent out the recent newsletter. Here it is is for those of you that might be nearby:
I went thru RCIA as an adult woman in her late fifties.For the past 8 years I have been coordinator for the Christian Initiation Process for children, youth and families at my parish. RCIA changed my life so much and I know change the lives of parents and their children in the process I head up.
Hi Norma. Thanks so much for sharing your story. I’m sure you are making a huge difference in people’s lives. Blessings on your ministry.
Thank you, Norma, for sharing your good news. You made a significant life change, obviously and are now sharing that with others. If you are willing to share a bit more about your personal journey with me, I’d be glad to receive it at May you and those among whom you share faith and life be blessed.