Baptismal Garments

1 thought on “Baptismal Garments”

  1. About Baptismal garments — for years we have used the “Confirmation robes” from Robert Gaspard company that come in three sizes, — and we have even trimmed down the small size for some of our younger children celebrating initiation.
    The robes are “open” in that easily fit over the street clothing of our neophytes and are open on the sides, thereby less constraining than albs might be. THAT is especially important since our neophytes wear their white garments each time they come to the parish for Mass during the entire Easter season. Because we sometimes include persons in our process from other parishes, those neophytes have taken their garments to their home parishes to wear and witness their initiatory journey. The neophytes taken them home at the end of the Easter season to wash and return to the parish, preparing for those who will follow in their spiritual footsteps. would be the website to check out.

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