
What the New Translation Says about Adapting the Rites for Your Parish

Webinar Recording
Diana Macalintal and Nick Wagner

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $37.50.

Free for Team Initiation Members

A hallmark of the adult initiation rites is their ability to be adapted to the needs of individual worshiping assemblies. The word “adapt” (or derivations like “adapting”) appears 53 times in the new translation. So how will you know what can be adapted? And even if an adaptation is allowed, is it a good idea for your parish? Maybe more importantly, what elements of the rites cannot be changed?

In this training, we look at four important questions:

  • Why is the adaptation of the adult initiation rites important?
  • What does authentic adaptation of the rites look like?
  • How do we adapt the rites for our parish (and who decides)?
  • What would happen if we made wider use of the freedoms allowed in the rites?

Format Online Video
SKU 08-092ndrec
ISBN 08-092ndrec
Publisher TeamRCIA
Publication Year 2023
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