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Why involving the whole parish in the RCIA is important
I wrote this report because we get a lot of questions about this topic at TeamRCIA. So a lot of RCIA teams already know this is an important aspect of RCIA ministry. But many teams are frustrated by the lack of parish interest and involvement.
There is something big at stake here. The reason Catholic parishes exist is to evangelize and to bring people into communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ. The RCIA says that the parish community is the primary agent of the initiation process. So we must find ways of involving the whole parish in this crucial ministry.
What do we mean by parish involvement?
Part of our frustration might be caused by a misalignment of goals. As RCIA teams, we want to educate newcomers in the faith. Our parish communities, on the whole, want to deepen their own faith and the faith of their families. For the most part, parishioners are happy enough to leave the initiation process to you and your team.
The challenge is to align the goals of the RCIA team with the goals of the greater parish community. What if we could show parishioners how they could deepen their own faith by becoming more involved in the initiation process?
How to align our goals with the goals of the community
In the report I just sent you, I list three steps every team can take right now to start getting the parish more involved in the RCIA process. The short answer to the question, is it possible, is yes. But it’s going to take time and patience. There is no quick fix.
If you really just want to know if this is possible and gain some insight on how to start, the report I sent you will do that. And if you want to go deeper and learn more about how to align your team’s goals with the goals of the parish community, I want to tell you about a webinar we offered recently.
Advice from Jerry Galipeau
In our webinar, titled “Five ways to involve your parish in the RCIA,” we called on Dr. Jerry Galipeau to give us some concrete, doable action steps to get the whole community to take their responsibility for initiation seriously.
Jerry, as many of you know, is one of the leading voices in North America on how to create a parish-wide initiation process that actually works. His wealth of experience and knowledge is unparalleled. And one of the best parts of Jerry’s teaching style is that he breaks down his ideas into easy-to-follow, practical ideas. He’s actually done these things in a real parish just like yours.
So if you want to go deeper with this, I want to offer a video recording of the webinar to you. The full price for this webinar is $75.00. However, for everyone who downloaded my free report, you can get the webinar recording for just $37.50.
And with that, you get free permission to share the webinar with your entire RCIA team. You can either watch it all together as a training session, or you can provide a link to each person to watch at home on their own computers, at their own convenience. There is no expiration.
This is such an important issue. You don’t want to let your parish go for one more minute without giving them the help they need to fulfill their baptismal mission. I hope you will take advantage of this offer and start taking steps today to involve the whole parish in the initiation process.
Blessings on your ministry.
Nick Wagnerfor TeamRCIA
Five ways to involve your parish in the RCIA (webinar recording)
Price: $75.00Your price: $37.50