Cornerstone 1: Build a firm foundation
Many of us came into catechumenate ministry with very little training. We’ve learned a lot, but sometimes our learning has been haphazard. Or it has come loose from its foundation in the vision of the Second Vatican Council.
And even if the way we facilitate the catechumenate is firmly planted in the principles of the Council, we might not be able to clearly say how or recognize how what we do fits with the entire picture of the work of our Christian communities.
We don’t need to know the whole history and theology of the Council to be effective catechumenate ministers.
But there are some key foundational elements. Once you have mastered them, you will have a firm grasp of the principles and processes for making lifelong disciples.
Two learning paths
- The all-access path is for those who would like a shorter process. While not as in-depth as the full track, it will give you a solid understanding of how the initiation process works. The all-access path is open to everyone.
- The member path will take more of your time and will demand a deeper level of commitment. But your investment in yourself will be well worth the sacrifice. The member path is open to TeamRCIA Members.