If you need focused assistance — a phone call, an e-mail, a one-on-one, or follow-up for your parish or diocese — please contact one these trusted resources.
Mary Birmingham
Isabel Fernández
Isabel Fernández, PhD, is the Director of Mission Effectiveness for the Office of Schools in the Diocese of Orlando. She is an engaging presenter with 15 years of experience in catechetical ministry. She has been involved in the formation of children and adults as a Director of Faith Formation and a facilitator for catechist formation. Isabel provides workshops on various aspects of the RCIA and the development and formation of ministry teams. She can be reached at isabelcf15@gmail.com.
Dra. Fernandez sirve en la diócesis de Orlando en la oficina de escuelas católica. También tiene más de 15 años de experiencia en ministerios de catequesis, RICA y en justicia y comunidad. Está disponible para consultar, presentar talleres o guiar reflexiones acerca de la catequesis de todas edades, la justicia y la comunidad y también en varios aspectos de le implementación de RICA.
Rose M. Hernández
Western Canada
Sandy and Dave Marshall