Your TeamRCIA Premium Membership includes two comprehensive “master courses” that encompass the entirety of the initiation process, and five “mini-courses,” shorter courses with a more focused attention on specific aspects of the initiation process.
Both Premium Members and Free Access members have access to our quick-training Instant Courses.
Master Courses
RCIA Total Training Course
Nick Wagner
Nine modules with 63 lessons for a complete training in the initiation process
- Introduction to the RCIA
- Stages of the catechumenate (part 1)
- Stages of the catechumenate (part 2)
- The catechetical process
- The rites of the catechumenate (part 1)
- The rites of the catechumenate (part 2)
- Building a team
- Team formation
- Children and candidates
Children’s RCIA Catechist Training
Rita Burns Senseman
Eleven modules to give you everything you need to run a children’s RCIA process
- The most important thing about children in RCIA
- A new vision for your parish
- Parents are your essential partners
- Apply some healthy peer pressure
- Look for the road signs of faith
- Listen to the children
- Develop an apprenticeship plan
- Teach the faith
- Decide for Christ
- Review the journey
- Bonus: Interview with Rita Burns Senseman